Thursday, December 18, 2008

What I learned from Life Drawing II

What I have Learn...

This semester I had a chance to take a more in depth look with the human anatomy, something that I have always hope of doing when enrolling at UW-Stout. Took me 4 years but I finally had the chance to take a crack at it. The bone drawing was a great exercise for me to study the bone structures. I was able to get a better understanding of each different sides to a bone. The self Portrait assignment afterwards was great too. After working with the skull, I liked how we were able to apply that with self portraits.

I guess one of my best work is my self portrait. (first one below) Now that I look back at it, I really wished I would have used charcoal pencils instead. But it was a great experience working with a new media like conte (I mean it's not new, but new to me). Just something I haven't try so that I know what to expect next time around.

It has been a great experience this semester. I guess my weakest is still shading. Always not good and hope to get better. Thanks everyone for a great time. Keep looking back to my blog for more stuff from me!

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Here are the self portrait of ME. I used conte pencil on Stone Henge paper. It was my first time using Conte pencil and it didn't shade as well as I thought it would like a charcoal pencil.

Figure Drawing/Study

Here is a figure study drawing of a model in class. Here I tired figuring out the side planes of the model's body as well as establish some cross contours to give it volume.