Thursday, May 13, 2010

End of Life Drawing III

This semester has been great!!! Just being back in the classroom was awesome. Enjoy learning from Amy once again and being around Life Drawing I classmates. Thanks guys for a great semester.

Models, thank you guys so much for this semster! You guys are awesome!!!

Amy, I've tried my best to update as much as I could even though there were still a lot of drawings not posted, I've tired posting majority of them. Please look back on this blog to view them. Lastly, thanks for all your knowledge you've shared to me, I would never forget!

-Kalvin =)

Digital Drawing 3

Here's another.

Digital Drawing 2

Another digital drawing. Enjoy!

Digital Drawing 1

This is a digital drawing/painting for Life Drawing III. This semester I tired working with digital format instead of just traditional charcoal and newsprint for figure drawing.

May 11, Tuesday Class Drawing 2

May 11, Tuesday Class Drawing 1

30 seconds to 1 minute drawings

Hand drawing for fun!

Very quick sketch of my hand again!

May 10, Monday Night Drawing