I'm back from Spring Break!!! Back to the old school work =( and what not! Anyways, sorry for not posting anything new for a while (even when I said I would). Remember that it was SPRING BREAK so I did needed time to relax too! But, that is now over and it's back to work on this project.
Last time I posted, I mention that for project 2, I wanted to combine both the concept of what I would go with on ornament as well as a psychological message or meaning. So this past week, I've read some articles of alcoholics and how alcohol has effective them dramatically to the point of where their lives has fallen apart, but in most cases, most of the articles are the same about regret, despair and depression. I don't drink so I really can't put myself in their shoes 100% but it was this thinking that created the backbone of my project.
I wanted a abstract way of showing how things look in another person's eyes while still maintaining the concept of ornament. Here I could manipulate the objects, in an ornament fashion, so the object would invoke the psychological thinking.