Thursday, February 5, 2009

Science Question

What happens when nature and technology mix? Will they co-exist together in one fused unit or environment? Or will one destroy or over take the other?

My question relates to what happens when you get science from one end of the spectrum, in this case nature, and you mix that with new science from the other end of the spectrum, or the fast growing technology. What happens when technology becomes so great that it expand out of the comfort of our homes and into nature? Whether the expansion of technology is for a good cause or not, will the two combine? Will living organism be able to co-exist with non-living technology? Or will we be able to see a fusion of the two, for example, technology that is made out to look or mimic trees. In a different sense, just what happens when human expands into nature? Just how the look or feel would it be like if we starts building houses with nature.

I want to draw digital concepts relating to this theme and topic. It would be like a series of concepts like I would made it for a movie or game production. Creating the environments or characters with the theme of nature and technology fused. Right now, I'm looking heavily on the works of Feng Zhu, a great concept artist who started as a interior design background.

Other Examples

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